Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Workout Wednesday

So have you been exercising? How has it been going?

Did you know that for most people, if you are not exercising regularly, you begin to loose muscle mass at age 25? The loss can be as much as 1/2 a percent of muscle weight per year, which can add up quickly as you age.

One of the best ways to maintain or build muscle mass is weight or resistance training. Do you include weight training in your exercise program?


  1. I have been trying to do a little resistance training as well as aerobic exercise. Mainly to tone my muscles to look better :)

    I have been doing pretty good so far this week. I haven't exercised today yet, but I'm planning on it!

  2. Well, I haven't been very good at exercising. And I have only been mildly better at choosing better foods to eat. Mostly because Katheryn cooks great dinners. I mostly mess up when I am on my own for lunch. I am going to get motivated by everyones examples, especially Katheryn's. She is wonderful, what can I say!

  3. Well, yesterday was a BAD food day. However, I've been continuing my Zumba class on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. It's a complete blast. I should probably add in a couple walks a week but its just been TOO hot for an 8 month pregnant lady to go outside. I keep checking my sugar, its been pretty steady and in the places I need it to be, so I guess I'm doing ok. Good thing its Wednesday, back to Zumba.

  4. My exercising has been terrible! However, my eating habits have been much better, I am happy to report. I tried a healthy broccoli corn chowder tonight that was great.

    P.S. Another good thing about building muscle mass for us women is that it will help prevent osteoporosis.
