Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Progress not perfection

Well, I have made progress this week. It has been a concerted, conscious effort. Today will be the day that I finally reach my walking goal of 10,000 steps per day. Thanks Too Le Fit for getting me back on track (so far). I am doing better on my eating, too so I should see some results when we weigh in Friday. Come on gang...lets do together what we could not do alone.

*From Katheryn

Let's just make this our exercise check in post. We know Aunt Becky is doing pretty good this week. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Doing fairly well this week. Monday I only excerised a little, but yesterday I got in a full 45 minutes. I haven't exercised yet today, but I am planning on taking a jog/walk this evening, so hopefully I'll stick to that plan!
