Monday, July 27, 2009


Do you take a multi-vitamin daily? Do you take other vitamins, minerals, or herbs? If so which ones and why?

If you have a lot of information about a particular supplement and why you take, we'd love to read a post about it!


  1. I just started taking a multi-vitamin about two weeks ago. I haven't really noticed a big difference from taking it, but I think it does make me feel a little healthier. Or maybe that is just a mental effect of taking it?

  2. Well I don't have to type it for you to know I am a slacker! I have read and enjoyed all the posts... I just never seem to have time to get done everything I have to get done in a day?... It's Crazy! But I have LOVED everything that has been on this Awesome "Too Le Fit To Quit" blog!
    I listened to a wonderful talk from a man that is a Fitness Rock Star. He mentioned stuff about Vitamins. But I will have to relisten to it and take notes so I can post about it. I loved what he had to say...
    I always give a good shot at taking vitamins... Heath will tell you I go in "Vitamin Mode" and give them to Heath I and the kids real good for a week or two then I get lazy and forget for a while then I get excited again and try again. I guess I should just be glad we get them when we do. I know it is so important for us to get enough vitamins. For our hair, skin, teeth, nails, bones... everything! I love how the stores now have gummie vitamins... my kids take them with blinking a eye... in fact they ask for them! I love who ever came up with such a thing! I would love it too if someone could come up with a multi-vitamin that tasted just like a symphony choolate bar. Yummers!
    I am proud of all of you for your efforts! I two am trying to be more healthy! I am not one for giving up my food... that is my struggle! But I can and have been working out and have noticed my clothes being more comfy... ahh it is so nice! I started before you came up with this blog and it fits so nicely!
    Thanks for your hard work Katheryn! You are Wonder - Women! When I get home from my trip I will try to add to the fun!
    You go girl!

  3. I continue to take Prenatal vitamins daily; the professor of my Nutrition class said that all women of child-bearing years should take prenatal vitamins every day, since there's always the possibility of becoming pregnant.

    I've been meaning to start taking calcium, since I fall into almost every bad category for osteoporosis later in life (yay for not being a smoker, though). I hate the pills because they're so big, but the yummy chocolate chews are expensive. Has anyone found them cheaper at other places, or seen other ways of getting extra calcium that don't require an enormous pill?

  4. P.S. I don't know a whole lot about supplements, but on NPR the other day the topic was supplements, and the guest doctor first made this disclaimer: "Taking a supplement is never as good as getting it from the source: FOOD!" Anyway, just thought I would share.

  5. I take a prenatal vitamin and an omega 3 almost everyday. Some days even when I take them I know they come right back up. I also like stacy should be taking a calcium but I don't for her same reasons. When I was in anatomy in High School the teacher told us that if we were not eating the correct foods with the vitamins our bodies would not obsorb the vitamin, but I'm not sure if that was true or not.
