Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Weigh-In

Looking at our poll, we have two votes for Monday, one vote for Wednesday, and six votes for Friday. So we'll go with Friday. If in the future, we find that a different day works better, we can always change things up. One of the nice things about a group like this is we can be as flexible as we want to be!

Since this is our first Friday, maybe we could take today as the day to determine our starting point. So today, take a second and step on the scale and set your starting point. Or if you don't want to use the scale as your measure of success, use your method of choice. In addition to using the scales, I am also going to measure my waist and hips and try to track inches lost in those areas since they are my worst problem spots.

I am so excited that so many of you want to work on this together. Like several of you mentioned, I want being healthy to be a lifestyle change for me.

How has exercising been going this week? Has everyone put in the time they had hoped to? What do you think about also having an exercise check in day to see how things are going and encourage each other? I was thinking of maybe having "Workout Wednesdays" for us to check in with what we've been doing and what we're planning. What do you think?


  1. I'm totally up for checking in...that makes me accountable to somebody! Wednesdays work fine for me. I'm excited about this...I've been tracking my stuff on SparkPeople for some time now and it's worked off and on, but I didn't have to "report" to anybody on there. So maybe this will help me to better reach my goals!

  2. Well, since this was the first week, I didn't really get in any good workouts. I will try to do better starting this weekend. I have a baseline set and we'll see how things go for next Wednesday.

  3. My idea of exercise these days is running to the bathroom to get sick - oh, I hate the first part of pregnancy! Hopefully by the time Emma gets back to school I'll feel good enough to ride bikes to school - a good 6 miles a day.

  4. Wednesday afternoons are good for me to check in. I stepped up on the scale and have entered my weight/waist measurement/BMI onto a daily calendar. I have really been committed to getting my 10,000 steps in this week and have made it 3 of the 5 days and improved on the other two days. I am the oldest participant (62) so those things that affect my health are a little different but yet the same.

    I am making 17 pints of jam from fresh figs today and will be making them with 1/2 the sugar. If anyone wants a really great pedometer that actually works, I can get an HJ-112 for about $16 (they are $35 at CVS). Most seniors are participating in 10,000 steps per day so it may not be something you "juniors" are interested in.
