Friday, July 31, 2009

Making it a Le-Fit Recipe

OK...I am resolved to do better. Thanks for the encouraging words and honesty thrown out there.

Next Tuesday I am having the Missionaries, Jaren & hubby, Kylia & hubby and some Gentrys and a Gause over for Supper. Jaren requested Chicken & Dumplings so I started today. It is not labor intensive but takes a while to make it more healthy without surrendering taste. Most people boil the chicken and leave the fat in (they say it tastes better...NOT!) and also use dumplings made of lard, flour and water. I skin the chicken before boiling it, and then leave the stock in the fridge overnight. I defat it completely before adding the dumplings. I do not make my dumplings from scratch, but buy the frozen ones. If you check the lables you will find one type that is made from just water and flour. They are much lighter and I actually like them better. By taking these small additional steps the fat and calorie content is drastically reduced. They freeze better and longer, too since it is the fat in foods that goes bad first. For those die-hard southerners that want the fat left in I serve a container that just has chicken fat in it that they can add to their bowl...usually when they see it they go "eeewwww" and pass on it:)

Kylia is bringing dessert...If there is any left over it will not be allowed to stay in my house.


  1. Sounds good. I will make this suggestion: don't skimp on dessert! I don't like healthy desserts, it's too much effort on something that is supposed to be bad for you. =) I say, leave all the buttery, sugary goodness and just take it in moderation.

  2. Seriously? A bowl of chicken fat? Thanks for providing my appetite suppressant for the day!

  3. You know I think if someone passed around a bowl of chicken fat I'd have to pass on it too!! But the recipe sounds yum. I'll have to give it a try this week. Thanks

  4. I have only seen one person take me up on the offer to add the chicken fat...and they agreed afterwards. Much better without.
