Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Goals and a Title

I thought maybe we should start out by each sharing some of our health goals so we know what each of us are looking for in this site and can hopefully find a way to support each other based on each of our goals. Some questions to ask yourself might be:

1. Are you wanting to lose weight, maintain weight, or is weight not something you are worried about right now?

2. If you will be starting a diet plan, which one will you be using? Or will you be creating your own and are just looking to make healthier food choices?

3. What are your exercise goals? Cardio? Strength training? Days per week? Time per session?

4. Are there any dietary restriction that you plan to make? Eat less meat? Lower or cut out sugar intake? Eat only low fat dishes? Avoid processed foods?

And lastly, we need a good title for our blog. Please make some suggestions and then we can do a poll and vote on which one we like best. Thanks!


  1. My goal is to lose 15 pounds in 3 months. Which puts that at a little over 1 pound per week of weight loss.

    I am not doing a specific diet plan at the moment. I plan on counting calories and trying to replace junk food with healthy veggies and fruits.

    My goal right now is to exercise 4 days per week for 45 each time, with 30 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength training.

    My idea for the blog title is "Healthy Together", but it seems kind of lame to me. I am not very good at that kind of thing. So please help me out here.

  2. I like your title or one I plagerized from your comment..."Track to Success".

    I am 30 pounds over ideal weight but would only like to lose about 10. That should enable me to get off my blood pressure meds. My doctor says for women my age (62)an additional 10-15 pounds does not hurt in case some type of illness, i.e. cancer, flu, surgery. The body can use it's own reserve instead of having to force food.

    I plan to use the 10,000 steps per day using a pedometer, and alter my recipes to reduce fat/calories and sugars.

    There is a book that is used in the Church's Heart T' Heart program for addictions that really addresses the use of food for comfort rather than God. It is HE DID DELIVER ME FROM BONDAGE. It incorporates the 12 Steps adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to address the emotional issues.

    I have lost 65 pounds and pretty much kept it off for the past 5 years but notice that a few pounds keep wanting to creep in. With every pound I gain my diabetes, BP, joint and back pain gets worse.

    My goal is to be as healthy as I can be without becoming as obsessive with the dieting and exercise as I am with the overeating. Someone said "Everything in moderation and nothing in excess." I would like that to be my goal.

  3. Any suggestions for me??? I'm 6 months pregnant, and really do not want to gain any more weight so far I've only put on about 10 lbs. But I know the last 2 months I normally gain alot and I'm already about 70lbs over weight. I've tried to eat alot of just fruits and veggies lately. But I get very little exercise. Hopefully after I have the baby I can lose that 70-80 lbs I've put on from the last 3 babies. I'm going to need a lot of support, 80lbs is alot.

  4. Ilene and I are in the same boat! I have put on (and kept on) about 40lbs since I got married in 2002, and I was overweight to begin with.
    When I was pregnant with Emma, I went from 170 to 217. I lost most of that and then only gained 14 and 17lbs with the boys. I have hit that point in my pregnancy where I start gaining, and I would really like to keep that number under 20 this time.
    After the baby, I am looking to get back into a size 10-12. Not really concerned with the weight, just the size!

  5. I don't know about you two preggos there! Maybe someone else besides me has a better answer?? Anyway, Ilene I think what you are doing with trying to improve the quality of what you eat is right on the money. As far as the exercise, I'm going to have to pass that one to your doctor because I know for some pregnant women it is great to do walking/yoga/non-impact exercise, but for others it's a no-no. If it's ok with your doctor, I do have a pregnancy yoga video that you are welcome to use if you want.

    But just know that we will most definitely still be here after you have the baby to offer as much support to you and Erin and everyone that we can. Getting healthy is not the easiest thing in the world and I think we all need a little help!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well, I'm a post preggo who's in desperate need of loosing the baby weight and "trying" tone back my body. After I got married I began stacking on the weight as my hubby and I went through infertility treatments, which ultimately caused me to gain between 20 to 30 pounds :( Then at my heaviest EVER I finally got pregnant :) While nursing I went below my starting pregnancy weight, but since having to stop I've gained back almost 10 pounds above my starting pregnancy weight. My body's been on a rollarcoaster and it's really important to get as healthy as possible so that when we want baby number 2 I'm in as good of shape as possible :) Any suggestions on toning my "rolls" (LOL) ??? My stomach has shrunk up, but is still VERY saggy. What exercise would be best?

    I like the title Healthy Together...but some other titles I thought of are: Healthy Homemakers (cause whether you work or not you're still a homemaker); Dedicated Divas (LOL); Faith in Every Food Choice (ok, that's just a funny one...not real suggestion); Sisterhood of the Healtier Housewives.

  8. I am not too concerned about weight but I would like to feel healthier in the way of cardio and some strength training. If I lost 5 to 10 lbs in the process I wouldn't complain any. I was thinking about titles and came up with "Life in the Health Zone" or "Too Le-Fit, too Le-Fit to Quit, Hey Hey!!" Well the last one came from my inner Psych Out. I am totally going through Psych withdrawals.

  9. I am crazy about the name Nathan came up with!
    I LOVE IT!
    I need to post my info but I am running out the door... getting ready for our vacation... I'll have to work on it later! I love that everyone is sharing I must get busy! This is going to be GOOD I can tell!

  10. Ok, we just have to call it "TOO LE-FIT, TOO LE-FIT TO QUIT, HEY HEY!!!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. 1. My goal is to lose some weight, probably about 10-15 pounds. I want to get toned and healthy before I start having any kids.

    2. My diet plan is simple...everything in moderation. No special diets for me. Having a degree in the field of Nutrition has definitely taught me that it is a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix diet plan.

    3. My exercise goals are to hit the gym at least 4 times per week. While at the gym, I want to strength train for about 20-30 minutes alternating days for upper body/lower body. For cardio I want to burn at least 500 calories per session.

    4. As I said before, no dietary restrictions, just trying to limit myself and not over indulge in anything. Once I tell myself that I can't have anything, my brain won't let me stop thinking about it until I get it!

    5. Can't really think of any clever names right now, but must admit that I love the one Nathan came up with! Love me some MC Hammer...can't touch this!

    6. I know there wasn't a 6th question, but I just wanted to throw out there a couple of websites that I like. To track my exercies, food, get meal ideas, etc., I like to use a website called I love it and have been using it for quiet some time...very helpful and gives lots of motivation too! For the pregnant women out there, they also have a sister site called that kinda offers the same benefits as meal plans, tracking, etc., but it is geared specifically to pregnant women.

    Good luck everybody and I hope that we can all motivate one another to reach our goals!!

  12. So can I call it a consensus and go with "Too Le-Fit, Too Le-Fit to Quit"? Love my hubby. When I read his comment I started laughing out loud so Dallin came running in here to check on me to see if I was ok.

  13. I figured you could use a 3rd pregnant lady up in here!

    1. Looking to NOT gain anymore weight. Even though I know it will happen since I'm pregnant.

    2. As far as diet...I should be watching my carb and sugar intake. I'm trying to work on both of those. Yesterday-BAD DAY (just had to get that out in the air)! Maybe I'll do phase 2 of the South Beach diet.

    3. Exercise goals for me are to walk and I really need to get back into doing my prenatal yoga. I did it twice before, does that count? I was also looking for a water aerobics class, I guess we'll have to wait that one out.

    4. Just back to cutting the big carbs and all those tasty sugary treats. Cause pregnant women never want either of those.

  14. Is it too late to join? Okay, so obviously I'm not looking to lose weight, but I am feeling really bad about the poor example I am setting for Annabelle. I know I can't expect her to eat healthy if I don't, so I think this is a good time to start. Plus, I promised my dad a LONG time ago that I would run a 5k with him, and I never have (and I think right now ONE mile would kill me). So, my goals:

    1. Healthier Food Habits: less sugar, less meat & more fish (I NEED good recipes), and more fruits/veggies

    2. Exercise: I really want to work on cardio, so that I can run a 5k with my dad when he gets home from Iraq. I don't know what is realistic though. I'm away for school 16 hrs/week (plus HW/study time), and I am a stay-at-home mom. I was tentatively thinking 30 min./day, 3 days/week... to start. Then maybe work towards more once I'm out of school. Any suggestions?

  15. Stacy, I sent you an ivitation to be a contributor. Glad you decided to join us! I want to eventually run a 5k as well. Right now I can only jog about 0.3 miles without stopping so I've got a LONG way to go :)
