Monday, November 30, 2009

Okay, how did you do?

Thanksgiving... probably the worst day of the year for eating healthy. I read once that the average American eats 5000 calories on Thanksgiving, whoa! So, is it time to regroup in preparation for Christmas?

Weight goals?
Exercise goals?
Healthy food goals?

Don't falter now, you can do it!!!


  1. I didn't eat a whole lot on Thanksgiving, actually, so I feel okay about the extra fattening foods.

    The business of our lives lately has taken it's toll on our everyday efforts though. We've eaten out WAY too much this month, so I need to better manage my time so that I can cook more.

    Exercise? Other than walking, not too much, but I am going to try to jog in the evenings this month in preparation for the annual Jarvis Family 5k. I'll keep you posted.

  2. I have not been trying lately. I'm not gaining a lot but my health could use some improvement. Exercising has been really difficult for me because of the lack of motivation. I need a work out partner that has my same work/school schedule and that is impossible. Katheryn would be a great partner but then someone to watch the kids becomes a problem. It's tough most days but I still know that I need to do it. Never give up right?

  3. So are we doing the 5k? What day are we doing it? It would be a good thing to push me to exercise. I need something to push me to excercise. Now.

  4. Nathan, I wish we lived closer because Jon would kill for a workout buddy! Oh, and I know we didn't officially talk about another 5k, but I'm totally up for it.

  5. I'm definitely off the wagon after all the Holiday Hoopla :( I know I've gained a pound or two, but the biggest sign is that my once comfy clothes are starting to get rather snug :( Question for the ladies of Too-le-fit-to-quit...since having Chandani whether I'm gaining a pound or two or losing it I've found that I still have a little problem with excess skin in the tummy region. Should I be doing stomach crunches, situps or is there something else to do about the skin???

  6. Carrie, I don't know that the excess skin can be completely fixed, but my favorite thing to do to tone that area is pilates. It is really fun and it really works the core muscles!
