Monday, October 5, 2009

It's Monday...and I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Hello there!

How's everyone's Monday starting off???
Monday's can sometimes be rough...a new week, new challenges, new trials :(
However, there are people who believe in and are rooting for YOU!

"Come on y'all we can do it put some exercise into it...
if hard, it's ok eat some healthy food today!"

I heard a quote at conference that I feel applies to overcoming our hardships and can help in achieving our goals. It is as follows...

Elder Richard G. Scott say:
Spirituality yields two fruits:
1) Inspiration, to know what to do
2) Power, or the capacity to do it

If you just can't find the energy to exercise pray for the inspiration to know what to do. Maybe it's walking, maybe it's wii fit, maybe it's taking the kids to the park and playing with them...whatever you feel inspired to do 15 minutes of something is better than 24 hours of nothing :( GET INSPIRED!

Once you get inspired...KNOW that you have the power to DO IT!

I was SOOOOOOOO not feeling good this morning :( Feeling down, feeling tired, worried there was not enough time in the day! I said a prayer and put on my shoes. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I ended up walking for 1 HOUR, 3 miles and burned 535 CALORIES!!! If I can do it...
"MRS LAZY" herself...then anyone can :)

I'm rooting for you...


  1. Thank you Carrie! I am really going to try and step up my exercise. I have school tonight but I am going to do something tomorrow morning for the first time in a while. All we can do is take it one step at a time with the key being consistency.

  2. You are so right!!! Thank you Nathan...that's something I need to remind myself everyday...just one step at a time :) Love you!
