Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Weigh-In

Tell us how your week has been. Did the scales bring some good news this week?


  1. Well, I lost one of the pounds that I had gained, so I guess that's pretty good, right?

  2. I have maintained so I think I must be at one of my plateau's in life. The only way to get better is to start introducing some exercising. I have been way to lazy on that front. Motivation has to come from within and I haven't been able to reach that yet. I like the idea of exercise but putting it into practice takes effort that I haven't been willing to exert yet. Wish me luck for this next week.

  3. Tuesday the scale at the Dr said I was up 7 lbs from my birthday 3 weeks ago. So I removed my shoes and then I was up 4 lbs. Well, today they weighed me again and I was down 7 lbs. What a relief. The little guy needs me to be a loser. So that was a relief. Good luck everyone for the next few weeks. Should be able to check in next week, but not sure about the following!

  4. I predict that two weeks from now, Casey will be posting a huge weight loss!
    I havn't been to the doc this week, so I don't know if I have gained any - but the belly is beginning to show in anything I wear now. I think I am soon going to have to put away all those bigger sizes with buttons and zippers...hello elastic waistbands!
