Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Years!

It is time to start the new year out right! So have you set any New Year's goals to help you to get healthy?

There is a great article about setting goals here. Some of the highlights are:

#1. Determine a long term goal.

#2. WRITE IT DOWN - studies show that you will be more likely to stick to your goal if you write it down

#3. Create a timeline for the goal, with short term goals along the way to help you achieve it.

#4. Be realistic in your goals. Make sure they are achievable.

#5. Be specific. Very specific. The more specific the better.

#6. Determine a reward for achieving your goal and little rewards for all the short term ones along the way.

#7. Be forgiving of yourself. Have a contingency plan in case something gets in the way of your goal.

So I'm going to help you out with the second step of the goal setting process. Write down your goal in the comments and let us know what you are planning for this year as your health goal. Happy goal setting!